Friday, July 9, 2021

Steeplejack Shares Dizzying Footage from Top of Chrysler Building Spire

James Marksbury is a steeplejack from Cole NYC who recently shared the dizzying perspective of where he works when performing routine maintenance on the spire atop the Chrysler Building in New York City.

A “steeplejack” is the term for a craftsperson who scales buildings, chimneys, and church steeples to carry out various needed repairs or maintenance.

As spotted by Laughing Squid, Marksbury is a Master Rigger and steeplejack whose stated specialty is maintenance, inspection, and emergency response at the towering heights found in New York City.

“There are many services that a crane or scaffold would be ideal, but the situation only allows for rope access to get the job done,” Cole NYC writes. “We take pride in having over 40 years of experience providing rope access to complete the tasks at hand while also saving our clients a lot of time and money. No job is too difficult for our team to complete. We have used this service to repair flagpoles, steeples, repair and maintain skyscrapers, and even emergency services involving heights. Rope access is not just rappelling from the top of a building, it’s often getting to the top that is a challenge, then setting and removing a rig point for access to the top.”

In the video above, Marksbury and fellow team members were inspecting the stainless steel panels from the very top of the building down to the 72nd floor as part of routine building maintenance.

ABC7 News captured a different perspective by helicopter of this particular climb, which helps show how high Marksbury and fellow riggers must climb in order to complete their tasks. According to the news station, Zachary Cole — the other man pictured below Marksbury — is the third generation of his family to do this kind of work.

George Cole, another Master Rigger with Cole NYC, has shared on Instagram several other perspectives of him and his fellow steeplejacks performing their daily tasks that range from interior work to other exterior climbing feats around New York.

Additional videos that show the Cole NYC team working at extreme heights can be found on the Cole NYC website.



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