Friday, March 27, 2020

Cyclorama: How to Build Your Own Professional ‘Infinity Studio’

The folks over at Syrp have just released plans for one of the most intense, involved, but potentially rewarding DIY projects you could possibly embark on: building your own professional photo studio with no corners, giving the impression of an infinite background—AKA: a cyclorama.

Syrp describes a cyclorama as “a studio area that has a seamless infinity curve over one or more joins, eliminating shadows and giving the impression of an endless void.”

The concept behind a cyclorama, or “cyc,” dates back to the late 1700s. In the theatre, they were used to give the impression of a sky indoors; they’ve also been used to display panoramas as seamless, 360° experiences. But in modern times, they’re often painted white or chroma green to give the impression of an infinite background.

Syrp’s project shows you how to convert a large room into a three-walled cyc which, when painted white, makes it seem like you have an infinite studio space at your disposal. The possibilities are (almost literally) endless.

As you might have guessed by now, this is an incredibly involved project that isn’t for “beginners” or people without any building experience. It’s also not cheap, although it is a lot cheaper than having one built for you.

As Syrp explains in the video, a professional cyc can cost “tens of thousands of dollars” to install. This DIY version, for which they’ve released the full plans online, costs “just” $5,000, assuming you have the tools, expertise, and a few helping hands to build actually go build it.

You can watch the full build process up top to see just how involved the project ended up getting, and if you still want to build your own after that, head over to the Syrp website for more details. In exchange for your email, they’ll enter you into a Magic Carpet Pro giveaway and send you the full, detailed plans with step-by-step instructions and plenty of warnings about what not to do.

(via ISO 1200)



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