Wednesday, July 10, 2019

This Elephant Doesn’t Like Having Its Picture Taken

A high school girl was traveling in Zambia, Africa, last month when she came across an elephant that apparently hates having its picture taken. When the girl pulled out her smartphone to snap a photo, the elephant lashed out with its trunk and smacked the phone out of her hands.

The girl was in Africa for a 12-day mission trip to help the boys and men living on the streets get back on their feet, and after a 20-hour flight and 10-hour bus ride, the group decided to spend its first day in the country staying near a safari reserve and relaxing.

“We saw the beautiful elephant perched on the edge of its evening enclosure,” the girl tells ViralHog. “As we stood there, we were all admiring the beauty of this animal by taking photos and petting it as it was reaching out to us.

“I stood there smiling with joy, as elephants are one of my favorite animals, so I started to take some photos. I thought to myself, ‘Wow, no one is going to believe I was this close to a real live elephant’ but boy did I get ‘close.’

“Next thing I knew, WHAM!! Right in the side stomach. I felt like 10 people had punched me at once as I was catapulted backwards and my phone flew forward to the ground. […] Yes, I had the wind knocked out of me, no it didn’t hurt, yes I’m okay, and yes I still love elephants!

“It took me a couple of minutes to fully process the fact that I just got smacked by a real living elephant. One of the best parts is that it was all captured on video so everyone, knowing I was okay, could get a good laugh out of it.”



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