Monday, January 13, 2014

Adam Magyar Talks About the Tech Behind His Mesmerizing Photo and Video Series

A couple of days ago we shared Adam Magyar’s incredible Stainless video series, shot from a moving subway train using a customized slow-motion video camera that captures something truly mesmerizing to watch. After sharing those videos, many of the commenters asked for and linked away to more details about the camera he used, and the slit-scan photography that Magyar had been doing for many years.

The video above is for those people who love Magyar’s work and want to know the technical detail behind it, but don’t want to dig through and read the detailed interviews and descriptions of the gear he uses — a 20 minute presentation for PopTech in which Magyar talks about the purpose of his projects, the technology used to capture them, and the myriad challenges he’s run into (e.g. the police…) over the years.

If you have the time and you found Magyar’s photography fascinating, this video is well-worth 20 minutes of your day.

H/T SLR Lounge



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